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'외국어/english study'에 해당되는 글 12

  1. 2009.08.06 8월 1째주 'Naked News' hangs by a thread
  2. 2009.08.06 8월 1째주 'Flawed' copyright law takes effect Thursday
2009. 8. 6. 15:49 외국어/english study



After all of the circus hoopla and controversy surrounding the launch of the Korean version of the Naked News franchise, its existence now hangs by a pithy thread as production came to a screeching halt since July 23 - just one month after its inception. The problem? Money.


Nine of the anchors have yet to be paid for their work during the month the service has been up, while the channel has ceased operations, leaving 260,000 paid subscribers hanging, according to local reports.


The problem began when management of the Naked News Korea branch requested its anchors contracted to present news semi-nude - in lingerie and bikini tops - to strip down completely for its pay-for-play adults-only version.


This prompted five of its anchors to hand in their resignations while the rest of its personalities stayed on.


This shift in content direction had come after management felt the noose around its neck tightened by the Korea Communication Commission.


After its launch, the nation's media watchdog had been steadfastly applying pressure for the company to scrap its "teen version," as they felt it was too suggestive and inappropriate for teenaged viewers.


The website has been re-airing previously recorded shows since a week ago with no clear resolution on the horizon.


The sports daily Ilgan Sports conducted an interview on Wednesday with one of the program's anchors who asked to remain anonymous and revealed she had been unable to get a hold of management in order to clarify their grievances over unpaid wages.


"We've been told to be patient and to wait but we have yet to be informed of anything. There is no one we can contact who can clear this up. No one's returning our calls and we've just been informed the company's head John Chau have flown out of the country," she was quoted as saying.


"We feel like we've been conned and cajoled into doing this. Even through opposition from family members of our participation in this program we all felt we were pioneers taking part in something new. We've reported this to the Ministry of Labor so we just have to wait and see what happens."





1. Have you seen "Naked News?" What do you think about Naked News' Korean version?

2. What's the difference between Western culture and Eastern culture about sex?

3. Naked News' income was suddenly reduced just after teen version has been banned from government.

What do you think about that?

4. What do you think about Sex Education for teenager in Korea?

posted by shadowchaser
2009. 8. 6. 15:48 외국어/english study


Your five-year-old daughter mimics a popular song at home. Her gig is so cute, so you pick up your camcorder to record her one-minute performance. You upload the clip on your own blog to share it with your friends and relatives.


This seemingly benign act, however, is in violation of the Korean copyright law. No kidding. Last month, there was an actual incident in which a video clip showing a five-year-old kid singing Son Dam-bi's "Crazy" -- for 58 seconds, to be exact -- was uploaded on a blog run by Naver.com, and the Korea Music Copyright Association asked the country's biggest portal to block public access to the video clip.


Online users cite the case as a striking example that heralds what would come once the revised copyright law goes into effect today. Although the government authorities and copyright associations try to reassure Korean online users that no drastic development will happen, anxiety is spreading far and wide across the local cyberspace.



KOMCA recently released a statement describing its position about the sorry incident surrounding the innocent girl, but it emphasized that even under the existing law it's illegal to upload a video clip containing lyrics or music performances on blogs or online communities, unless the person in question gets a formal permission from all the copyright holders.


The revised copyright law also explicitly bans people from capturing footage of a film or TV drama. There are now countless blog postings which contain such captured images from movies and TV dramas, so a growing number of bloggers are cleaning up their personal writings, screening out potential materials that would invite legal disputes.


At the same time, some bloggers and community operators are abandoning Korean services in order to avoid lawsuits and seek freer cyberspace. This "cyber exile" phenomenon underscores the deepening distrust of Korean users about the new copyright law, which is allegedly designed to protect copyright holders only, while disregarding the right of ordinary users, as evidenced by the Son Dam-bi song's use by a kid.


Under the revised rules, the Culture Ministry can shut down an online community or service in connection with copyright violations, even without the complaint from copyright holders. When the user or bulletin board gets the shut-down order three times, the ministry can shut down the services in question for up to six months under a three-strike-out system.


The so-called "heavy uploader," who habitually puts illegal material on cyber communities, will be subject to the same three-strike-out system.


But what ordinary bloggers fear the most is the threat from law firms. A host of Korean law firms are currently representing copyright holders in the fields of music, images, and video, and they often send an email to users, asking them to pay a settlement fee in return for dropping the lawsuit.


In April, a local law firm threatened to file a suit against 8,047 users on the charge of copyright violations, and earned 7 billion won in settlement fees, a tactic that turned out to be illegal. Experts said if such threat comes from a law firm, users should not opt for a settlement and instead seek consultations with the related authorities.


To relieve the anxiety, some copyright holders are venturing out to open up their content for free. A popular Web cartoonist Kang Full said he will allow his online comic strips to be freely circulated in blogs and cyber communities.


The Culture Ministry earlier put out a press release, stressing that the revised copyright law targets heavy uploaders and companies which take huge profits out of pirated materials, brushing aside growing concerns about the negative impact on freedom of expression! on the internet.


To ensure freedom of expression!, the ministry said, a "fair use" act was proposed at the National Assembly in October last year, and the standing committee is now reviewing the proposed revision that would allow people to use copyrighted materials without any formal permission when they make non-commericial material such as online UCC (user-created content).



★ Do you think copyright law will restrain user's freedom of expression!?

★ What kind of problem/ benefit are you expecting from this copywright law?

★ is there anything makes your life bother because of this law?

★let's image that what will happen and what is happening now with this law.


some more questions for rest of your time.


1. There are so many cases which are related to this article. It's obviously violation to copy a book without the auther's permission. But do you think we should enforce more strict rules for this copying things?

2. Copying books without permission, reading novels on the Internet, and sharing newly updated films or music could be categorized as a casual theft. Then, what do you think about the sharing sites powered by the users? Do you agree on a thorough cease for that kind of sites?

3. If you made your own data, you may not want that data to be used without your approval. And if you want to use other person's plain editorials or scripts, you may think it's ok to carry that things in your own blog. What is your side? Is it just a problem which depends on situation?

posted by shadowchaser
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